uposatha holy day

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

วันพระ วันเสาร์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน 2563 แรม ๑๕ ค่ำ เดือนเจ็ด(๗) ปีชวด

Start of the Vassa (Rains Retreat)

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

วันเข้าพรรษา วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กรกฎาคม 2563 แรม ๑ ค่ำ เดือนแปด(๘) ปีชวด

uposatha holy day, Loi Kratong

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

วันพระ วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม 2563 ขึ้น ๑๕ ค่ำ เดือนสิบสอง(๑๒) ปีชวด วันลอยกระทง uposatha holy day, Loi Kratong

Visakha Puja

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us in celebrating Visakha Puja Day at Wat San Fran. Activities include an alms round, offerings to monks, listening to the Buddha’s teachings, group chanting, and a candle procession in reverence of the Lord Buddha. Schedule 10:50 a.m. Alms round 11:00 a.m. Lunch offering 11:15 a.m. Lunch for all guests 12:00 p.m. Paritta Chanting [...]

Asalha Puja Day

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

You are invited to attend Asalaha Puja Day and the Buddhist Lent celebration and merit-making ceremony at San Fran Dhammaram Temple on Sunday, July 25, 2021. Asalha Puja Day commemorates the day in which the Buddha gave his first sermon, the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta "Setting the Wheel of Dhamma into Motion," to his first five disciples. [...]

Kathina 2021

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

We invite all faithful Buddhists to join us in sponsoring and making merit during San Fran Dhammaram Temple’s 2021 Kathina. The fundraiser will be held at 9.00 a.m. on Sunday, October 31 at 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA 94122. Due to COVID-19 and a scheduling conflict with Outside Lands Music Festival, we will not [...]

Katavedita Ceremony for Phra Kru Vinaitorn Nut Nuttapanyo

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

Phra Kru Vinaitorn Nut Nuttapanyo is one of Luang Por Thoon’s students. While he was finishing the final year of his Ph.D. program, he had the opportunity to meet our teachers and listen to dhamma verses from Luang Por Thoon. During the last year of his internship as a student at UC San Diego, he [...]

Annual New Year’s Chanting Ceremony

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

Start off the 2022 New Year by doing good and making merits at Wat San Fran! You are invited to join our annual New Year Chanting Ceremony on Friday, December 31, 2021, at 11:30 PM. The event continues until Saturday, January 1, 2022, at 1:00 AM.  We will reflect upon our good actions in the [...]

Magha Puja Day

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

We invite you to join us to celebrate the Buddhist holy day, “Magha Puja.” We will have alms rounds, religious chanting, a candle procession ceremony, and watering of sacred Buddha and Arahant relics on Sunday, February 20, 2022 Schedule 10:45 a.m. Alms Round 11:00 a.m. Food Offering 11:45 a.m. Sanghadana 12:15 p.m. Group Chanting, Candle [...]

San Fran Dhammaram Temple 2645 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA, United States

Curtis Wong was a beloved Watsanfran member. He passed away on Monday, March 28th around noon. We will be holding memorial services for him at the temple for 7 days every night at 7pm until Monday, April 4th. Please join us as we make merit in his honor and commemorate him.

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